Healthcare LED Lighting
From Relight USA
Healthcare Lighting
Healthcare organizations spend approximately $6.5 billion on energy each year. According to Business Energy Advisor, a standard hospital in the United States could use roughly 31.0 kWh of electricity per square foot. Lighting, space and water heating were found to represent approximately 65 percent of the total energy use, and the lighting portion of this presents a great opportunity for energy savings. By implementing certain LED technologies, hospitals have the potential to save money, become more energy efficient, and enhance the overall environment. For example, replacing exit signs with LED signs: Most exit signs use 36 Watts of electricity, while LED exit signs use only five. For a typical 600-bed hospital with 300 exit signs, retrofitting LED signage will result in $14,755 in savings each year. On average, a hospital would earn back the initial investment in roughly 1.15 years.
Optimizing lighting has many benefits in healthcare facilities. We’ve discussed cost savings but optimized lighting enables better performance of visual tasks. Think of the impact just in the Operating Suite! Lighting affects mood and recovery. LEDs have shown to increase happiness, creating more upbeat staff and patients. When we are happier, our immune systems function better.
When Relight USA reduces your energy spend, imagine what that money could be used to do to drive better health in your community.
We also provide products that disinfect (Continuous Environmental Disinfection). Relight USA offers powerful products in both UV spectrum and Indigo that are germicidal inactivating viruses and killing bacteria.